Why You Should Use Composite Flooring in Your Bathroom Remodel

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Bathrooms are one of the most frequently remodeled rooms in residential properties. Bathrooms, with all the moisture and resultant mold usually need to be remodeled before other rooms. Homeowners who invest in bathroom remodeling often do it for sanitary reasons. You'll be amazed how replacing some components in your bathroom cannot only make it more stylish, but it can also make it feel cleaner. Of course, some people simply remodel their bathroom because they want to change the way it looks and make it more modern. Regardless of your ultimate reason for bathroom remodeling, you have to consider some unique factors when it comes to choosing the best materials to use for flooring.

You want something that is 100% waterproof so you don't have to worry about constant maintenance and/or the possibility of mold. For example, porous tiles or hardwood usually aren't the best choices for a bathroom because these materials aren't 100% waterproof. Wood needs to be stained and tile needs to be sealed in order to protect the surfaces from water damage. While these materials are very stylish, you should consider investing in composite alternatives.

Whether you want tile or wood styling in your bathroom, there are a ton of composite alternatives. Not only are these products easier to maintain, they are usually cheaper than real wood or tile alternatives. The most important feature of composite flooring products is that they usually have a tougher, waterproof outer layer. Also, they are seamless without any grout lines, so there are no weak points. In comparison, tile floors have vulnerable grout lines that can absorb a lot of water. On the other hand, wooden floors have weak finishes that can be scratched and rubbed off from normal usage. This exposes the wood grains, making them susceptible to fading, warping, and premature aging.

Basically, the protective layer on the top of composite materials, regardless of what it is made out of, is going to shield your floor material and enable it to last longer. This means that the actual construction and make up of your composite isn't as important as that clear, protective outer layer. That is, since the actual material is protected, it doesn't need to be made out of the most durable or high quality material.

Manufacturers of composite floors have figured out a way to create the most popular natural flooring styles without the maintenance and upkeep that they usually come with.
